Thursday, December 9, 2010

Katakana revised Literary work



Monday, December 6, 2010


二十年後、わたしはちゅうごくへかえります。そして、わたしはけっこんています。わたしの夫の名は ひらかわ です。わたしたちはかわいいむすめがいます。わたしは月曜日から金曜日までぎんこではたらします。わたしのかぞくはいつもしゅうもつりょこうますから、おくのまちへいきます。いま、わたしのかぞくはきれいなまちに住んでいます。まちのなまえは 上海です。上海はとてもにぎやかですが、すこしたかいです。でも、わたしは上海のせいかつはもなれもした。

Friday, December 3, 2010

Katakana Analyze (FINAL)

  The two Katakana words I chose are both from the website of  Hello Kitty:
      One word is キャラクター which means "Character". This is a loan word which is borrowed  from English and incorporated into Japanese. The other word is the name of the hello kitty company: サンリオ (Sanrio). I don't think this is a loanword cause there is no meaning for "Sanrio" in English. So this is might just a expression of the names of companies. As I known, a lot companies in Japan express their name in Katakana. Like Toyota トヨタ。

       In order to rich my Katakana analyze, I decide to add more katakana which is not loan word.
       First word is from a animated featured film I recently watched "秒速5センチメートル" by Mokoto Shinkai.

桜の花の落ちるスピード。This is a sentence speaks by the girl"明里". The Katakana word"ピード" is not a loan word as my last two katakana. It's a Onomatopoeia. It descride the sound when cherry fall on the ground. "bi-do". 
Second word is from a PS2 Game.

"ドン ド コ ドン" This is also a very cute Onomatopoeia which immitate the sound of drumming.
       Katakana is used instead of Hiragana to give the pronunciation of a word written in Roman characters, or for a foreign word or for company name. Using Katakana is to distinguish between native words and foreign words. This is meaningless to create a new Hiragana word which has the same pronunciation with the foreign word.
       Each textbook is different in explaining katakana because Katana is a flexible form. There is no such rule that in what circumstances Katanaka must be used. We can actually create Katatana word if we want. Therefore, categorize them in a same way is very hard. In lyrics, for emphasis or to change meaning, Katakana was also used differently in past times than now. And in this fast changing society, as in when Japan opened up to European and America, it brings a lot influence to Katakana. A lot words were created and I believe there are still a lot words are creating now. Because of this, I think there is no one right way to define Katakana, and so every textbook is a different person's perspective on this varying history and unique characteristic of the Japanese.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ipad の gameです!とてもおもしろいですよ。
I download this game from Japanese Itune. But I don't have a japanese credit card I can't buy any music. ざんねんですね。>。<

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 8: Rose - Damon says "I love you"

Anyone love Vampire Diary?
The most heartbroken scene in Episode 8.
Be together Damon & Elena! Please!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



[falling leaves in autumn
 and hot red tea
 warm my heart

 Heart pounding
 first date

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



わたしは ジンガオです。ちゅうごくのペキンからきました。コロンビア大学のになんせいです。だいがくは いま とても にぎやかです。そして きれいです。でも、だいがくは とても たかいですね。大学のせいかつは たのしいですが、いそがしいです。6月18日に日本へいけます。

よろしく おれがいします。

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Katakana Analysis Draft

        The two Katakana words I chose are both from the website of  Hello Kitty:
  One word is キャラクター which means "Character". This is a loan word which is borrowed from English and incorporated into Japanese. The other word is the name of the hello kitty company: サンリオ (Sanrio). I don't think this is a loanword cause there is no meaning for "Sanrio" in English. So this is might just a expression of the names of companies. As I known, a lot companies in Japan express their name in Katakana. Like Toyota トヨタ。
  Katakana is used instead of Hiragana to give the pronunciation of a word written in Roman characters, or for a foreign word or for company name. Using Katakana is to distinguish between native words and foreign words. This is meaningless to create a new Hiragana word which has the same pronunciation with the foreign word.
         Each textbook is different in explaining katakana because Katana is a flexible form. There is no such rule that in what circumstances Katanaka must be used. We can actually create Katatana word if we want. Therefore, categorize them in a same way is very hard. In lyrics, for emphasis or to change meaning, Katakana was also used differently in past times than now. And in this fast changing society, as in when Japan opened up to European and America, it brings a lot influence to Katakana. A lot words were created and I believe there are still a lot words are creating now. Because of this, I think there is no one right way to define Katakana, and so every textbook is a different person's perspective on this varying history and unique characteristic of the Japanese.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


[Tale of Genji] 

My favorite picture! So Handsome

The Tale of Genji (源氏物語) is a classic work of japanese culture attributed to the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikubu in the early eleventh century, around the peak of the Heian period. It is sometimes called the world's first novel, the first modern novel, the first psychological novel or the first novel still to be considered a classic.

I first read it in a Literary class during my freshman year. I was confused about all the kinds of relationship between Genji and those women. However, I like it. (= =|||)

来年公開の映画!(This movie will release next year)


Monday, October 25, 2010

わるいの月曜日 (Bad Monday)

1. Broke my iPhone 4 front glass
2. Can't change a flight back to peking
3. Bad exam grade on game theory class


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

きょとう (京都)



Kyoto is the city I always want to visit. I planed the visit there last summer before I flew back to China but I didn't make it. Anyway, it become my biggest regret now.

Kyoto is a historical city with traditional Japanese culture.

The second picture is typical maiko dress, hair ornaments, and nape make-up. I'm going to try it the next time I visit Kyoto! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


村上春樹 は わたし の すきな らいたあ です。
これ は かれ が かいた ほん です。
ほん の なまえ わ?
ノルウェイの森 (Norwegian Wood) です。



おはよう ございます!

おいしい の りょういや
それ は なまえ は さけ ばあ はぎ です
それ お いくつ か の じかん を ためして ください!

Thursday, September 16, 2010



わたし は  ジン です。
ちゅうごくの Pekin からきました。
わたしは ころんびあ の だいがくの いちねんせいです。
わたしのせんこう は けいざい。
